PSAP Changes, New Technologies, Services and Issues That Impact 9-1-1
Current List of the 565 Municipalities in New Jersey and their Primary PSAP (spreadsheet)
List of Primary PSAP for each Municipality with Contact Information
List of Primary Public Safety Answering Points
For Each Municipality in New Jersey
In New Jersey each municipality is required to have a single Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) answer all of its 9-1-1 calls. In some areas this PSAP will also dispatch emergency services such as Police, Fire and EMS. In others the PSAP will transfer or relay these calls so that these services may be dispatched by secondary agencies know as Public Safety Dispatch Points (PSDP).
The purpose of this list is to identify the Primary PSAP for each of the 566 municipalities in New Jersey.
It is intended for people who have a question about 9-1-1 service in their community or by a communications provider trying to determine how to route a customer's 9-1-1 call.
There are thousands of names used in New Jersey for towns that are not actual municipalities. Regional names, post offices, old town names abound, but they are not on this list. The best way to find out which one you are in is to find out which of these do you, or the owner of the property in question, pay taxes.
Each county also has a designated County 9-1-1 Coordinator who works with the municipalities, PSAPs, PSDPs and the New Jersey State Office of Emergency Telecommunication Services (OETS) to provide 9-1-1 service on a statewide network. This person can also help with questions concerning addressing, emergency services response and call routing.
Changes to PSAPs and PSDPs on the New Jersey 9-1-1 Network 2008 to Present