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Laser Cassette and Laser Slide Printer Bid

The New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA), Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory (AHDL) provides histopathology services in the form of microscopic examination of biopsy and necropsy tissue specimens received from practicing veterinarians, private food and companion animal owners, regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies, racetrack, wildlife, zoo, and nonprofit animal facilities. 
The AHDL is looking for a laser cassette printer as well as a laser slide printer to improve and enhance the current slide/case preparation process. This enhancement will enable the AHDL to print cassettes as well as slides with laser printing to improve the readability and clarity of case identification. In turn, the AHDL will be able to utilize this label identification style for all types of case processing such as routine biopsy and necropsy tissue slides and legal case consultation. The laser cassette and laser slide printers also enable the AHDL to utilize the longevity of permanent specimen identification that is resistant to

Click here to read the full specifications for the bid.