Casino Revenue Fund-Supported Programs

Program Name Department Division

Community Care Program (CCP) - Individual Supports1

Human Services

Developmental Disabilities

Vocational Rehabilitation Services2


 Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Personal Assistance Services Program3

Human Services

Disability Services

Community Based Senior Programs4

Human Services

Aging Services

 Senior Citizen & Disabled Residents Transportation Assistance Program5

NJ Transit

Public Transportation Services

Homemaker Home Health Aide Certification Program6

 Law and Public Safety

Board of Nursing

Hearing Aid Assistance for the Aged and Disabled7

Human Services

Aging Services

Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled8

Human Services

Aging Services

Statewide Birth Defects Registry9


Family Health Services

Programs for the Aged10

Human Services

Aging Services

  1. Individual Support services are services delivered to residents of State-licensed residential facilities to assist them with self-care and habilitation-related tasks. Tasks may include personal assistance, including attendant care, household chores, errand services and training.

  2. Provides individualized services to assist persons with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and/or maintain employment.

  3. Provides routine, non-medical assistance to adults with disabilities who are employed, involved in community volunteer work, or attending school.

  4. Includes Alzheimer's Adult Day Services, Congregate Housing Services, the Safe Housing and Transportation Program, Statewide Respite, Adult Protective Services, Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving program, and Statewide Home-delivered meals.

  5. The Senior Citizen & Disabled Residents Transportation Assistance Program funds capital, operating, and/or administrative expenses for locally coordinated paratransit services for senior citizens and people with disabilities. Although this is paid out of the Property Tax Relief Fund, the amount that the program receives is based on CRF collections.

  6. Board of Nursing-approved program providing training to care for ill and disabled individuals.

  7. Provides a $100 reimbursement to offset the purchase of a hearing aid. Recipients must meet certain income criteria

  8. Covers the monthly Medicare Part D premiums for eligible seniors and individuals with disabilities that meet certain income requirements.

  9. The Registry is a comprehensive, confidential database that provides data that can be used for epidemiological and statistical purposes for children with specific birth defects

  10. Covers costs related to administering programs for seniors.