Chairwoman Webster-Cobb is please to announce the new naming of Civil Service Commission Office of Training as the Center for Learning and Improving Performance, or CLIP! See the full memorandum here.
Training Circular
CLIP is responsible for the design, development, and delivery of all State mandated and generic training programs that specifically address the training and development needs of State employees. The purpose of the Training Circular is to ensure that the training and development needs of state employees are addressed through training programs that are planned, designed, and implemented to best leverage state resources and maximize state employees work-related skills.
Use the link below to view the full Training Circular which outlines the stipulations that all State departments and agencies should adhere to.
Training Circular
Registration Information
Please complete the HR-1 Training Authorization Form to request classroom training. Your direct supervisor, departmental training coordinator and fiscal officer must approve the form. HR-1's received without proper approval will be returned to the Department's Training Coordinator.
You are not scheduled for the requested classroom training until you receive an official email confirmation from CLIP.
Fax your form to 609-777-2336. For any questions, please call the Registration Team at 609-777-2225.
Training Authorization Form
Cancellation Policy
As a registered participant if you are unable to attend class, CLIP and your Department's Training Coordinator must be notified at least 10 days prior to the class start date. If your cancellation notice is not received within this time period, the agency will incur the cost of the program. The agency has the option to send another eligible participant to attend the class; however, contact information for the replacement must be received by CLIP 5 days prior to the class date.
Attendance Policy
Please schedule your participation carefully as attendance for all hourse of each course is required. Late arrival or ealy departure may result in an attendance code of incomplete or not receiving the certificate of completion with continuing education credits for the course.
Multi-Day Courses
Attendance on day one is required. If you are unable to do, please notify your Department's Training Coordinator and the CLIP 10-days prior to the class start date, in accordance with the above listed cancellation policy.
Emergency Closing Policy
CLIP has prepared a list of class cancellation exceptions in an event of inclement weather or emergency.
Colleges: If your class is scheduled at a community college, please consider the following before heading to class. The websites for the Community Colleges are listed below:
- If your State, County or Municipal office is open, but your individual college has a delayed opening, early dismissal or is closed, consider your class cancelled. Proceed to work as directed by your employer. Arrangements will be made to reschedule.
- If your State, County or Municipal office has a delayed opening or is closed, consider your class cancelled. Arrangements will be made to reschedule.
- If your individual community college has an early dismissal, consider your class cancelled, proceed as directed by your employer. Arrangements will be made to reschedule.
- In an event that the college or college instructor has an emergency, consider your class cancelled, proceed to work as directed by your employer. Arrangements will be made to reschedule.
On-Site State, County, Municipal Offices: If classes have been scheduled on-site by your agency, please consider the following before heading to class:
- If your State, County or Municipal office has closed, consider your class cancelled. Arrangements will be made to reschedule.
- If your State, County or Municipal office has a delayed or early closing, consider your class cancelled and proceed as directed by your employer. Arrangements will be made to reschedule.
Non-State Employees: If you are a non-State employee taking training arranged by a State agency, please consider the following before heading to class:
- If State offices have a delayed opening or are closed, but your college or on-site location is open, consider your class open and report to class as directed.
- If your on-site location or college has a delayed opening or is closed, consider your class cancelled and report to work as directed by your employer. Arrangements will be made to reschedule.
The websites for the Community Colleges are listed below:
Atlantic Cape Community College http://www.atlantic.edu/
Bergen Community College http://www.bergen.edu/
Brookdale Community College http://www.brookdalecc.edu/pages/1.asp
Camden County College https://camdencc.edu/
Cumberland County College http://www.cccnj.edu/
Essex County College http://www.essex.edu/
Hudson County Community College http://www.hccc.edu/
Mercer County Community College http://www.mccc.edu/
Middlesex County College http://www2.middlesexcc.edu/
County College of Morris http://www.ccm.edu/
Ocean County College http://www.ocean.edu/
Passaic County Community College http://www.pccc.edu/
Raritan Valley College (Somerset) http://www.raritanval.edu/
Raritan Valley College (Hunterdon) http://www.hclibrary.us/about/directions.htm
Rowan at Burlington County http://rcbc.edu/
Rowan at Gloucester County http://www.rcgc.edu/Pages/Home.aspx
Salem County College http://www.salemcc.edu/
Sussex County College https://my.sussex.edu/ICS/
Union County College http://www.ucc.edu/
Warren County College http://www.warren.edu/
Stay informed about the weather by tuning to your local radio or television station or The Weather Channel, or visiting websites such as NOAA, The Weather Channel.com, or AccuWeather. You may also check the CSC website at //www.nj.gov/csc/ for additional information.
In the event that your class has been cancelled, the Registration Team will contact you with the rescheduled date of your training.