of Solid Waste Planning and Licensing
The Bureau of Solid Waste Planning & Licensing oversees county solid waste planning; economic regulation of solid waste public utilities; licensing of companies commercially engaged in the solid waste industry; escrow accounts of solid waste facilities; county recycling and clean communities grants; and support to the Division in the areas of budgets, fee collection, Open Public Records Act (OPRA), and data management.
P O Box 420
Mail Code: 401-02C
401 East State Street
2nd Floor, West Wing
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
Seth Hackman, Section Chief
(609) 984-4250
Fax: (609) 777-1951
A-901 - Under New Jersey Statute, businesses commercially engaged in the waste and soil and fill recycling industry are required to be licensed (commonly
referred to as an "A-901 License" or "Soil and Fill Recycling License"). The A-901 Unit is the licensing agency, and reviews the disclosure statements to ensure
the company, and all key individuals are fit to participate in the waste and soil and fill recycling industry. Once the application is reviewed, NJDEP will issue
an A-901 License or a Soil and Fill Recycling License or a denial, based on the investigative findings. NJDEP also issues revocations to licensed companies who
have violated the rules. The A-901 Unit work closely with the NJ Attorney General's Office, the NJ State Police and the NJDEP Enforcement Unit along with other
Federal and State agencies. Monthly compliance workshops are also held, free of charge, to assist the regulated community in understanding compliance obligations,
and the rules and regulations governing the waste industry.
Economic Regulation - This unit oversees solid waste public utilities, including disposal rate regulation, collector’s effective competition, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, host community benefits, and financial transactions such as merges stock transfers, management agreements, and county solid waste bonds.
Fees & ESCROW - The purpose of the Escrow Section is to manage the closure and post closure financial activities of escrow accounts for landfills as operations cease, these activities include: reviewing withdrawal requests and fee billing, preparing Approval Orders for the release of escrow funds for solid waste facilities, reviewing Financial Plans and monitoring bank account activities
The Fee Unit collects all fees assessed by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. This unit also provides Open Public Records support to the Division.
Solid Waste Planning - This unit oversees the county and state solid waste management planning process, reviews county solid waste and recycling plans and amendments, oversees the development and updating of the Statewide Solid Waste Management Plan, and coordinates the activities of the State Solid Waste Council.
Grants/Data - This unit administers grants and contracts between NJDEP and counties the New Jersey Clean Communities Council and Rutgers University for purposes of recycling enhancement, community clean-up, and recycling education and certification. This unit also compiles monthly waste reporting data from all solid waste facilities.