The Highlands Water Protection
and Planning Act, N.J.S.A. 13:20-1 et seq. protects
drinking water for over 5.4 million people and helps
preserve New Jersey's dwindling open space. Use this
Web site to familiarize yourself with the regulations
and the DEP Highlands
regulatory program. The information provided here can
assist homeowners, property owners, builders, and municipalities
in determining if a project is located in the Highlands
Region, what exemption criteria may apply, and development
standards that may be required.
The Highlands rules implement the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act signed on August 10, 2004. The rules incorporate the requisite standards of various land use, water resource and environmental protection statutes and establish a consolidated Highlands permitting review and approval process for activities constituting major Highlands development proposed in the Preservation Area.
Click here to view the Highlands Rule (pdf)