State of New Jersey Department of Environmental ProtectionGovernor Phil Murphy • Lt.Governor Sheila Oliver
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Information for Municipalities

Planting steps

1. Dig

Dig at least 1- 2 feet wider than the root ball.

2. Measure

Using a tape measure, stick, or end of a shovel, measure the height of the rootball and then measure the depth of the hole. Add or remove soil in the hole so the top of the rootball will be flush with the ground.

3. Place

If the root ball has a wire basket, remove the bottom third of the basket. Gently roll the rootball into the hole. Do not move tree by its trunk.

4. Adjust

Look at the tree from a few angles, making sure that the tree is straight. If needed, add soil under the rootball. Once the tree is in the hole and straight, remove the rest of the wire basket.

5. Loosen Burlap

If balled with burlap, pull the burlap away from the tree trunk or remove the burlap.

6. Fill

Slightly compact the soil as you fill the hole.

7. Mulch and water

Mulch around the tree in a donut shape and water thoroughly. Continue to water the tree as needed.

Right Tree Right Place

When planting a tree, keep in mind its adult size. Use this guide to plant the right sized tree in your yard.

Dig the hole 1 to 2 feet wider then the root ball
Champion Trees
Tree Care


Risk Trees
    Tree Planting
 Tree Maintainence
Pests and Diseases
Tree Professionals for Hire
Treasure Our Trees
Arbor Day
Benefits of Trees






Measure the hole and the root ball

Plant the right tree in the right place - small trees (less than 25 feet at maturity) under utility poles

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Last Updated: January 22, 2019