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DRBC & the Trenton Green Team Co-Host Trenton Walks! Outing
Trenton Walks! participants grab a photo in front of the Elalrslie Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park. Photo courtesy of Tim Brill, N.J. Conservation Foundation.
Trenton Walks! participants grab a photo in front of the
Ellarslie Mansion/Trenton City Museum in Cadwalader Park.
Photo courtesy of Tim Brill, N.J. Conservation Foundation.

Last week, DRBC staff had the opportunity to co-host a walk in Trenton with the Trenton Green Team! We met at the Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie in Cadwalader Park and walked 3 miles round-trip on the D&R Canal. It was cold, but no complaints - we had great company, good conversation and beautiful views!

Green Team members talked about the history of Cadwalader Park and how the team is working to promote and better connect various trails in Trenton to benefit all community members. DRBC staff discussed how the Delaware River at Trenton is an important monitoring point for water quality and flow management, and the role the D&R Canal plays in water supply.

The Trenton Green Team is composed of a group of engaged Trenton residents and people committed to fostering a healthy, sustainable community. City staff, Trenton residents and Trenton area non-profits work together to engage community members and to foster sustainability initiatives. The DRBC joined the Green Team in 2024 and looks forward to increasing our engagement as this group grows.

The Trenton Walks! program was initiated in June 2024 and features group walks throughout Trenton, highlighting the city's history, recreational opportunities and communities. Sponsored by the Trenton Green Team, this community engagement program has held 29 walks with 199 participants, covering a grand total of 513 person-miles since the program's inception. DRBC staff participated in an October 2024 Trenton Walks! outing and enjoyed the opportunity to engage with community members and share information about the DRBC, our programs and our commitment to Trenton as our "home" community (our office is in West Trenton).

Be sure to check out the link below to stay up-to-date on the Trenton Walks! calendar. Walks are happening on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Wednesday of every month. The next walk is on Saturday, February 1!

Learn more:

  • Trenton Walks! 2025 Calendar

  • Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie

  • Cadwalader Park

Walkers pause at a point along the D&R Canal to learn about its history. Photo by the DRBC. On this sunny but cold January day youc an see the canal is starting to feeeze up. Photo by the DRBC. The D&R Canal in Cadwalader Park is a great place to enjoy a picnic lunch...when it's a little warmer! Photo by the DRBC.
Walkers pause at a point along the D&R
Canal to learn about its history.
Photo by the DRBC.

On this sunny but cold January day you
can see the canal is starting to feeeze up.
Photo by the DRBC.

The D&R Canal in Cadwalader Park is a
great place to enjoy a picnic lunch...when
it's a little warmer! Photo by the DRBC.