Delaware • New Jersey • Pennsylvania
New York • United States of America
Is there a Delaware River boater/paddler on your holiday list? If so, consider ordering them a DRBC Delaware River Recreation Map Set!
Sold as a 10-map set, these waterproofed maps cover the Delaware River's east and west branches prior to their confluence at Hancock, N.Y., the entire 200 mile, non-tidal reach of the river from Hancock to Trenton, N.J., and an additional 25 miles of the tidal river from Trenton to just south of the Betsy Ross Bridge.
They depict river channel locations and depths, access areas, stream miles, and provide a detailed classification of streamflow characteristics in accordance with the International Canoe Federation's Scale of River Difficulty.
Schuylkill River Map Sets are also available for purchase at a reduced price of $5 +tax.
Click here for ordering information
A portion of the proceeds will help fund the commission's educational/outreach programs and activities.
Copyright © Delaware River Basin Commission,
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
Phone (609)883-9500; Fax (609)883-9522
Thanks to NJ for hosting the DRBC website