
Amistad Resources for Parents and the General Community

The Amistad Commission values the engagement of parents in its efforts to raise awareness about the importance of teaching African American history in New Jersey’s elementary and secondary schools. The Commission need the support of parents in these efforts. We need parents to hold school districts accountable to assure that teachers are receiving the services and resources to prepare them to infuse African American history into the K-12 curriculum in social studies, world history and other subject areas.

How can parents get involved? 

  • Read and understand the Amistad Bill.
  • Attend Parent Teacher conferences and inquire about how the Amistad Legislation is reflected in your child’s educational experience.
  • Attend your local Board of Education meeting and raise the question about the Amistad Legislation and its implementation in the classroom.
  • Send an inquiry letter to your student’s Principal or Superintendent with a link to the Amistad webpage.
  • Talk to your student about what they are learning in their history, social studies, or world history courses.
  • Ask your local School Board about voting on a mandate for all schools within the district to comply with the Amistad Legislation.

Amistad Resources for Teachers

Amistad Resources for Superintendents and District Leaders

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