Class of 2022 High School Graduation Assessment Requirements

This section reflects the high school graduation assessment requirements for the class of 2022, which were updated on June 5, 2019 pursuant to an amended Consent Order issued by the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey. The graduation assessment requirements for the class of 2022 are the same as they were for the classes of 2017–2019.

In English Language Arts (ELA), students must demonstrate proficiency:

  1. On New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA)/PARCC ELA 10; or
  2. By meeting the designated cut score on a substitute competency test such as other high school-level NJSLA/PARCC assessments, the SAT, ACT, or ACCUPLACER as defined in Pathway 2; or
  3. By submitting, through the district, a student portfolio appeal to the New Jersey Department of Education.

In mathematics, students must demonstrate proficiency:

  1. On NJSLA/PARCC Algebra I; or
  2. By meeting the designated cut score on a substitute competency test such as other high school-level NJSLA/PARCC assessments, the SAT, ACT, or ACCUPLACER as defined in Pathway 2; or
  3. By submitting, through the district, a student portfolio appeal to the New Jersey Department of Education.

Proficiency levels/cut scores for the class of 2022 are specified further in the pathways below.

Under the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA), all students with disabilities must be included in all general state and district-wide assessments. The Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) of students with disabilities will address whether the student must meet the passing score on the state assessments or demonstrate proficiency through an alternate pathway. Students with disabilities whose IEPs specify an alternative way to demonstrate proficiencies, will continue to follow the graduation assessment requirements set forth in their IEPs. It is the responsibility of the student’s IEP team to ensure that the IEP is implemented as written, including components addressing state graduation assessment requirements.

IEP teams should reserve the exemption of the statewide assessment graduation requirement for students with significant intellectual disabilities and for students with disabilities who have made repeated unsuccessful attempts to meet statewide assessment requirements through the NJSLA, a substitute competency test, or a student portfolio appeal. Districts are encouraged to begin convening meetings of the student’s IEP team when the student is in grade 9, or as early as possible. The IEP team includes the student, and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) to discuss the student’s specific graduation requirements.

Questions about IEP components concerning graduation assessment requirements should be directed to the Office of Special Education Policy and Dispute Resolution at

Demonstrate proficiency in the high school end-of-course NJSLA/PARCC assessments in ELA-10 and/or Algebra I.

First Pathway—NJSLA/PARCC

ELA Mathematics
NJSLA/PARCC ELA Grade 10 ≥ 750 (Level 4) NJSLA/PARCC Algebra I ≥ 750 (Level 4)


Demonstrate proficiency in ELA and/or mathematics by meeting the designated cut score on one of the substitute competency tests.

Important Notes:

  • Tests marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer administered but can be used for the graduating year.
  • Beginning on Monday, January 28, 2019, classic ACCUPLACER tests were no longer available. QAS replaced ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra.

Second Pathway—Designated Cut Scores

ELA Mathematics

One of the following:

  • NJSLA/PARCC ELA Grade 9 ≥ 750 (Level 4)
  • NJSLA/PARCC ELA Grade 11* ≥ 725 (Level 3)
  • SAT Critical Reading (taken before 3/1/16) ≥ 400
  • SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section (taken 3/1/16 or later) ≥ 450
  • SAT Reading Test (taken 3/1/16 or later) ≥ 22
  • ACT Reading or ACT PLAN Reading* ≥ 16
  • ACCUPLACER WritePlacer ≥ 6
  • ACCUPLACER WritePlacer ESL ≥ 4
  • PSAT10 Reading or PSAT/NMSQT Reading (taken before 10/1/15) ≥ 40
  • PSAT10 Reading or PSAT/NMSQT Reading (taken 10/1/15 or later) ≥ 22
  • ACT Aspire Reading* ≥ 422
  • ASVAB-AFQT Composite ≥ 31

One of the following:

  • NJSLA/PARCC Geometry ≥ 725 (Level 3)
  • NJSLA/PARCC Algebra II ≥ 725 (Level 3)
  • SAT Math (taken before 3/1/16) ≥ 400
  • SAT Math Section (taken 3/1/16 or later) ≥ 440
  • SAT Math Test (taken 3/1/16 or later) ≥ 22
  • ACT or ACT PLAN Math* ≥ 16
  • ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra ≥ 76,
  • Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) (beginning January 2019) ≥ 255
  • PSAT10 Math or PSAT/NMSQT Math (taken before 10/1/15) ≥ 40
  • PSAT10 Math or PSAT/NMSQT Math (taken 10/1/15 or later) ≥ 22
  • ACT Aspire Math* ≥ 422
  • ASVAB-AFQT Composite ≥ 31


Demonstrate proficiency in ELA and/or mathematics through a portfolio appeal.

Third Pathway—Portfolio Appeals

ELA Mathematics
Meet the criteria of the NJDOE Portfolio Appeal for ELA Meet the criteria of the NJDOE Portfolio Appeal for Mathematics

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