Medical Assisting

Endorsement Code: 4125

Note: This information is for self-evaluation. It does not determine or validate eligibility to apply. Requirements, passing test scores, and fees are subject to change without notice.

Authorized to Teach

The Medical Assisting #4125 endorsement entitles the holder to teach in New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)-approved career and technical education (CTE) courses in the following programs, and programs of study under the following Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes.

CTE Program CIP Code
Medical/Clinical Assistant Program 51.0801
Pre-Nursing 51.1105

Option 1: Bachelor's Degree or Higher

Approved Degree Subject Area for Endorsement:

  • Medical Assistant
  • Nursing

Candidates who hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing must submit a New Jersey registered nurse (RN) license.

Option 2: Associate Degree with Employment Experience

Approved Degree Subject Area for Endorsement:

  • Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Medical Assisting

Candidates who hold an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing must submit a New Jersey licensed practical nurse (LPN) certificate.  

Option 3: Employment Experience Only

Employment experience requirements can be met using one of the following:

  • Full-time or part-time employment, or both (not self-employment)
  • Self-employment
  • Military qualifications and training

  • Administrative medical assistant
  • Clinical medical assistant
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Electrocardiograph
  • Hematology
  • Law, ethics and healthcare
  • Medical terminology
  • Medical asepsis and infection control
  • Recording vital signs
  • Surgical asepsis and sterilization techniques
  • Surgical instruments
  • Phlebotomy

Candidates who hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing must submit a copy of their New Jersey registered nurse (RN) license. 

Candidates who hold an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing must submit a copy of their New Jersey licensed practical nurse (LPN) certificate.  

Employment experience is only required if the candidate is obtaining certification using one of the following:

Candidates using option 1 without the GPA exception are not required to have employment experience.

Employment Experience (not self-employed)

The following job titles (Table 1) will be accepted as eligible employment experience as identified in the federal Occupational Information Network (O*NET) job descriptions.

Table 1: Eligible Job Titles for Employment Experience (not self-employed)
Job Title Job Code
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 29-2061.00
Medical Assistants 31-9092.00
Registered Nurses 29-1141.00

Self-Employment Experience

Candidates with self-employment experience only are not eligible to apply for this teaching endorsement.

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