New Jersey Department of Education

Student Assistance Coordinator Residency Agreement

NJDOE Requirements

The New Jersey Department of Education agrees to meet the following requirements as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-14.2:

  1. Process the registration submitted by the district in the Provisional Licensure Registration Management System (PLRMS) and issue a provisional license to the Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC) valid for a period of up to two years;
  2. Provide the district with the requirements for the operation of a residency;
  3. Issue a standard Student Assistance Coordinator certificate based upon the completion of the residency program and the recommendation of the district including an approved program of study if applicable.

District Requirements

The School District agrees to meet the following requirements as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-14.2:

  1. Register the Student Assistance Coordinator in Homeroom on the NJEdCert certification system and indicate program of study for holders of the CE;
  2. Arrange for the Student Assistance Coordinator to work under the regular supervision of a residency supervisor who shall hold standard New Jersey supervisor, principal, or school administrator certification;
  3. Provide a residency program of six months or proportionally longer if part-time;
  4. Provide the Student Assistance Coordinator with a residency that will include professional experiences and responsibilities in each of the following areas related to the work of the student assistance coordinator:
    1. Chemical health curriculum planning, implementation and staff development;
    2. Development and coordination of substance abuse intervention and referral services;
    3. Development and coordination of prevention program services; and
    4. Development of school drug and alcohol policies and procedures.
  5. Observe and supervise the work of the Student Assistance Coordinator on a regular basis;
  6. Provide the Student Assistance Coordinator with guidance and assistance for their professional development;
  7. The supervisor shall complete the final summative rating for the Student Assistance Coordinator upon conclusion of the residency;
  8. Enter the final summative rating in the NJEdCert certification system;
  9. Submit for the conversion to standard in NJEdCert upon completion of all residency requirements.

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