New Jersey Department of Education

Career and Technical Education Scholar Award Program (CTE SAP)

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) is pleased to announce the upcoming opportunity for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with approved CTE programs of study to participate in the CTE Scholar Award Program (CTE SAP) to recognize outstanding CTE students throughout New Jersey. This recently approved legislation P.L. 2023,c.47, establishes an annual recognition of student achievements to highlight the importance of CTE to meet the needs of business and industry for high-skill and trained workers. Four criteria are outlined in the legislation for recognition.

  1. Demonstrate a high level of achievement in a CTE program of study as exemplified by course grades, industry-recognized technical assessments, and teacher recommendations.
  2. Demonstrate a high level of achievement in at least three academic classes, as exemplified by course grades, end-of-course assessments, and teacher recommendations. 

  3. Successfully complete a college-level course or a work-based learning (WBL) experience including, but not limited to, employment under a cooperative education agreement, an internship, or a work-based structured learning experience.

  4. Participate in a career and technical student organization (CTSO) or a community service project that demonstrates the application of career and technical skills. 

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