New Jersey Department of Education

Issue 2: June 2023

State Teacher of the Year End of the Year Message

Social and emotional well-being in school is important, not only for students, but also for educators. As we conclude another school year, I trust you are thinking about fun ways to recharge. Perhaps a trip to one of our beautiful New Jersey beaches, or hiking in one of our many gorgeous parks, whatever your preference, may it restore your inner teaching flame.

I have the advantage of living at the beach. My husband and I enjoy jet skiing or kayaking on the Barnegat Bay. On summer evenings, we generally walk the boardwalk and sit by the ocean as the day cools down. My husband also decompresses by planting flowers all over the backyard and I am blessed by the beauty of his work.

As you reenergize and refuel your inner light during summer break, I would like you to think of a scene from the movie “Coach Carter.” Throughout the film, he asks his students over and over again what they were afraid of; one player finally answers with an adaptation of a quote from Marianne Williamson's book "A Return to Love."

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

I hope you allow yourself the time to recharge this summer and let your light shine bright for all to see, as you are a beacon of hope for all our students. Speaking with educators around the country, and across the globe, reminds me how truly blessed we are to teach in New Jersey. Our educators are truly phenomenal.

gradient of circles in different colors (same circles shown in newsletter banner)

Featured NJDOE Office of the Month—Recruitment, Preparation and Certification

The Office of Recruitment, Preparation and Certification develops policies and programs to provide high-quality educators for the students of New Jersey and supports educators as they obtain certifications and endorsements.

This month we are highlighting the efforts and projects led by the Recruitment Unit. Recruitment is vital and the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) is committed to developing recruitment strategies to build our educator workforce.

The Recruitment Unit, within the office, works to support institutions of higher learning, school districts and other educational entities to encourage a more robust and diverse pool of teachers for the state of New Jersey.

The three major goals are:

  1. Strive for student access to high-quality educators of diverse backgrounds in every content and geographic area;
  2. Increase awareness and promote positive messaging about the teaching profession and encourage individuals to explore the profession in New Jersey; and,
  3. Provide more effective and efficient resources for those hiring and retaining educators, and prospective and current educators.

Diversifying the Teacher Workforce Initiative

NJDOE launched the Diversifying the Educator Workforce Initiative to provide all students with access to a teacher workforce that reflects the ethno-racial diversity of the state’s student population. The initiative’s goal is that by 2025, 56% of new and novice teachers (0–4 years) entering classrooms will be teachers of color and that all teachers will be culturally responsive. 

We will achieve this by partnering with educator preparation providers, county colleges, local education agencies, professional associations, policy makers, and community-rooted organizations with intentionality to:

  • Implement promising recruitment, preparation, and retention strategies; and,
  • Integrate culturally responsive practices and pedagogy.

Initiative Projects

  • The Minority Teacher Development grant supports eligible organizations or institutions to develop programs and strategies to increase the number of minority teachers in New Jersey classrooms.
  • The Minority Teacher Quality and Retention grant supports an eligible organization or institution to develop instructional coaching models to increase the retention of minority teachers.
  • Since 2018, the NJDOE has partnered with teacher preparation providers to engage stakeholders in annual convenings designed to raise awareness of teacher diversity and to offer solutions to diversify the educator workforce. Information regarding the 2023 convening for diversifying the teacher workforce will be forthcoming for the fall.
  • The New Jersey Diverse Learner-Ready Teacher (DLRT) committee meets monthly and is committed to increasing ethno-racial diversity of the teacher workforce and ensuring all educators engage in culturally responsive practices. The committee includes representation from the NJDOE, educator preparation programs, educational organizations, school, and district level administration.

K–12 Workforce Diversity Pilot Program

The NJDOE selected Rowan University as the first partner to implement the K–12 Workforce Diversity Pilot Program through an alternate route teacher preparation program (ASPIRE to Teach). Established as the “Men of Color Hope Achievers” (MOCHA) Program, this joint partnership aims to recruit, prepare, and place 25 participants each year of the two-year pilot to obtain licensure to teach in participating school districts. The new teachers serve as role models for minority and non-minority students. For additional information about applying to MOCHA and a list of participating school districts, please visit Rowan’s ASPIRE to Teach— Certificate of Eligibility (CE) Educator Preparation Program.

Teacher Diversity Training, Coaching and Technical Support Series

The NJDOE partnered with the Mid-Atlantic Regional Education Lab (REL) to deliver coaching to school districts, staff, and stakeholders in their efforts to increase teachers of color in New Jersey. During the first year, REL trained nine districts to develop action plans to address diverse hiring practices within their districts. The second year of the partnership will focus on training individuals who will support districts in developing strategies to build the diversity of their educator pool.

Loan Forgiveness

The Recruitment Unit is the NJDOE point of contact for the Federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness programs. The unit assists the field with questions regarding school eligibility as well as updates to the federal Teacher Cancellation Low Income (TCLI) annually.

Additional efforts stemming from the Recruitment Unit include collaboration with New Jersey’s Future Educators Association (NJFEA), Troops to Teachers, and statewide Grow Your Own programs.

Visit the Recruitment webpage to learn more about our efforts. Email if you have any questions.


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