New Jersey Department of Education


The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) partners with teacher preparation providers to engage stakeholders in annual convenings designed to raise awareness of the lack of teacher diversity and offer solutions for addressing this issue.

Convening attendees have the opportunity to:

  • Explore national and local data
  • Learn about best practices to address the lack of teacher diversity
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to define action steps for the NJDOE, teacher preparation programs, school district leaders and educational organizations.

7th Annual New Jersey Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has partnered with the New Jersey Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (NJACTE) to support the annual Convening on Diversifying the Teacher Workforce. This years’ three-part Convening will start on October 8, 2024 and the theme is, “Retention Is the New Recruitment: A Call to Action.” The sessions on October 8 and October 15 will be virtual and the in-person session will take place on October 22 at Rowan University.

The 7th Annual New Jersey Convening for Diversifying the Teacher Workforce is intended to address the serious need to increase the diversity of the New Jersey teaching population. This series of meetings is designed to engage stakeholders and constituents from New Jersey in considering the barriers and supports to diversifying the teacher workforce in a polarized political climate. This convening will also provide opportunities for participants to learn about promising and successful efforts to increase teacher diversity in New Jersey and for growing and sustaining culturally responsive educators.

Registration Information

Previous Convening Events:

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