
The Preparation Unit in the Office of Recruitment, Preparation and Certification supports educator preparation programs throughout the state which prepare future New Jersey educators, with a specific focus on the following:

  • Developing regulations and guidance pertaining to the operation of educator preparation programs,
  • Approving and monitoring all preparation programs that operate in New Jersey and are intended to lead to state certification, and
  • Sharing data and information on approved preparation programs to help promote their continuous improvement
  • Supporting educator preparation programs and accreditors with the accreditation process.

Teacher Preparation Programs

  • Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) Educator Preparation Programs
    The CEAS educator preparation program refers to a formal teacher preparation program at an accredited college or university (previously known as "traditional route"). To learn about New Jersey's available certificates and endorsements please visit the Office of Licensure and Certification website.

  • Certificate of Eligibility (CE) Educator Preparation Programs
    The CE educator preparation program refers to a non-traditional teacher preparation program designed for those individuals who have not completed a formal teacher preparation program at an accredited college or university, but wish to obtain the necessary training to become a NJ certified teacher (previously known as "alternate route"). To learn about New Jersey's available certificates and endorsements please visit the Office of Licensure and Certification website.

  • On Friday, December 16, 2022, Governor Phil Murphy signed S896 w/GR into law, which prohibits the State Board of Education from requiring completion of a Commissioner-approved performance-based assessment for certification.  Please review the January 18, 2023 broadcast memo for general guidelines of implementation.  Candidates currently enrolled in an Educator Preparation Program (EPP) should contact their provider for further information.  

Teacher Leader Preparation Programs

School and District Leadership Preparation Programs

  • Educational leadership programs prepare candidates to serve as Chief School Administrators, Principals, Supervisors, and School Business Administrators. The Department approves preparation programs leading to educational leadership endorsements. To learn about New Jersey's available certificates and endorsements please visit the School Leaders Overview on the Office of Licensure and Certification website.

Educational Services Preparation Programs

  • Educational services personnel preparation programs prepare candidates to serve in a variety of roles, including school nurses, school library media specialists, and school counselors.  The Department approves preparation programs leading to educational services personnel endorsements.  To learn about New Jersey's available certificates and endorsements please visit the Educational Services Personnel Overview on the Office of Licensure and Certification website.

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