New Jersey Department of Education

State Program Approval Council (SPAC)

New Jersey's SPAC serves a vital role in the approval process for educator preparation programs. Specifically, the role of the SPAC is to:

  • Advise the Commissioner of Education on matters pertaining to educator preparation quality;
  • Participate in the program approval process for initial and substantially revised programs;
  • Consider program information required for periodic review and recommend appropriate action regarding a program's status; and
  • Make recommendations for program approval to the Department.

SPAC Membership

The New Jersey Department of Education is pleased to announce the composition of the State Program Approval Council (SPAC). The SPAC is comprised of four representatives of Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS, formerly traditional route) educator preparation providers, three representatives of Certificate of Eligibility (CE, formerly alternate route) educator preparation providers, and four P-12 practitioners.   

The following members have been appointed to the council:

CEAS Representatives:

  • Liana Fornarotto (William Paterson University)
  • Eileen Heddy (The College of New Jersey)
  • Amy Lewis (Rutgers University-Graduate School of Education)
  • Maqueda Randall-Weeks (Rutgers University-Graduate School of Education)

CE Representatives:

  • Cori Brown (Rowan University)
  • Adele Macula (NJEXCEL/FEA)
  • Heather Ngoma (Rutgers University-Graduate School of Education)

P-12 Practitioners:

  • Janet Fike (Morris-Union Jointure Commission)
  • Meg Freeman (Jersey City Public Schools)
  • Enrique Manlapid (School District of the Chathams)
  • Ayanna Thorne (Northern Region Educational Services Commission)

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