Project Application Information

Please note the new project submission procedures:

Effective Wednesday, September 22, 2021, send all project submissions to the DOE Office of School Facilities Projects electronically via email to: or for ROD Grant projects.

Department staff will conduct an initial review of project submissions, with the goal of informing districts within ten business days of any documentation missing from the district’s submission. Submissions that include all required documentation will be issued a project number and advanced for substantive review by Department staff.

Please note that submissions lacking required documentation will be returned to the district as incomplete and will not be assigned a project number.

Project Application Submission Instructions

  1. LRFP must be updated prior to project submission and include the Scope of Work of the project; LRFP cannot exceed five (5) years old, and if new construction is in project, LRFP cannot exceed six months old and NEW *.xlsb cohort projection must be sent with project.
  2. One email per project, please. Each email subject line must state:
    “County/District/School/Project name/ED (Educational) or NONED (Non-educational)
  3. Send each complete application in one email to or A complete project application will typically have six main types of attachments. See the Submission Checklist Transmittal Form for specifics with required file naming conventions.

Do not sent an unsolicited copy of the projects application to any reviewer or to (the submission will be deleted by the recipient).

  1. All documents must be submitted using the naming conventions provided in the checklist. Separate files are required for each document using the specified naming conventions or they will be returned. Links cannot be used.
  2. All project schematic/final drawings must not exceed 12 MB. Each School District's Designee and School District mustT check with their IT Departments to validate the size of email that they can receive. Therefore, the submitted drawings need to be small enough to receive back.
  3. Project Application Information.
    • For details regarding educational specifications requirements, please refer to N.J.A.C. 6A:26-5.2 and -5.4.
    • Project Application Version (2.8db.03.02.2020) (MS Excel .xlsb Spreadsheet) Please note: Right click the files and download to your computer before opening. Do not open files directly from the website!

Note: If a project application has been submitted to the Department using a project application version earlier than the current version available, and a PEC has been issued for that project, you may continue using that version, otherwise, the current version found on this page must be utilized.

Electronic application submissions must be complete when the project application is submitted, and it must match the drawings and any other supporting documents, as the review is based on the electronic submission.

Important Notice on “Securing our Children’s Future Bond Act”, P.L.2018, C. 119 Project Applications:

This notice is a clarification to the project application process to allow the Office of School Facilities Project to properly track any project applications seeking funding under the “Securing our Children’s Future Bond Act”, P.L.2018, C. 119.

Please refer to the Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act Preliminary Guidelines on the Office of School Facilities web page for additional information on project applications. Please refer to the following section in the appropriate guideline document.

  • Security — section 4.8
  • Water Infrastructure — section 4.6
  • Careen and Technical Education — section 4.5

This notice only applies to project applications. This is not the grant application, that will be covered under a separate process.

  1. All project applications seeking funding under the “Securing our Children’s Future Bond Act”, P.L.2018, C. 119 approved by the voters on November 6, 2018 shall include only the following information on the “Welcome 001” tab, section “10. Brief description of project” in the project application. A detailed scope of work can be provided in section 11.

Security” or “Water Infrastructure” or “Career and Technical Education (CTE)”.

  1. Please do not blend multiple scopes of work into one project application seeking funding under the Bond Act. Please submit only one project per school for security, water infrastructure or CTE. Work not eligible for bond funding must be submitted in a separate project application.
  2. Previously submitted project applications seeking funding under the Bond Act must be revised as instructed in section 1 and 2 above.
  3. As previously noted, effective Wednesday, September 15, 2021, all submissions to the DOE Office of School Facilities must be made electronically via email through All project schematic or final drawings must be submitted as Adobe Acrobat PDF files.

All other questions regarding the Bond Act should be directed to,, or

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