UPK Facilities Grant Announcement
The Fiscal Year 2023 annual appropriations act includes a $120 million allocation of Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFRF) dollars that were established pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) for the expansion of preschool facilities. Applications are now available in Electronic Web Enabled Grants (EWEG) System in the NJDOE Homeroom portal. To gain access to this grant application within the EWEG system please email eweghelp@doe.nj.gov requesting the “UPK Facilities Grant Application”.
Preschool Expansion Projects Open Application Period is May 1, 2024 to June 3, 2024.
A complete project application, including all attachments, must be received by the NJDOE via the EWEG System by 5 p.m. on June 3, 2024, to be considered for grant funding. It is recommended that districts submit their application prior to this deadline as the EWEG system will not allow proposals to be submitted after the above established deadline.
Under the Preschool Facilities Expansion program, regular operating districts (ROD) are eligible to receive at a minimum 40 percent of approved eligible project costs. The funding percentage for a grant is based upon each district’s District Aid Percentage (DAP) multiplied by the eligible project costs established by New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE). Districts must be able to demonstrate local matching funds for the balance of the project costs.
Approvable projects would be limited to those that expand a current educational facility (adding preschool classrooms/seats) and renovations of existing facilities with limitations. Specifically, these will only be allowed if the district can demonstrate sufficient capacity for other grades and that the renovation would result in a net increase in available preschool seats.
NJ Federally Funded Construction Activities Requirements - UPK Facilities
Questions can be directed to the Office of School Facilities at 609-376-9073 or the Office of Early Childhood 609-376-9077.
ROD Grant Allocation 5 Announcement
On June 30, 2022, Governor Murphy signed P.L.2022, c.18 which includes a direct appropriation of $350 million to the New Jersey Schools Development Authority (NJSDA) to provide funding for grant projects in Regular Operating Districts (ROD).
Under the ROD grant program, school districts are eligible to receive at least 40 percent of approved eligible project costs and some districts may be eligible for a higher share. The funding percentage for a grant is based upon each district’s District Aid Percentage (DAP) multiplied by the eligible project costs established by New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE). Districts must be able to demonstrate local matching funds for the balance of the project costs.
For a school facilities project to be considered for grant funding, the proposed scope of work must be 100 percent eligible for State support. Only projects that are 100 percent eligible for State support and included in the prioritization as outlined below are eligible for a ROD grant. Funds may be used to address health and safety, essential upgrades or repairs, and other related projects.
On 9/7/2023 the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) and the New Jersey Schools Development Authority (SDA) announced the approval of nearly $450 million in school construction funds to address critical facilities needs in 261 school districts throughout the state.
Funding for the school construction initiative was made possible through legislation signed in 2022 and grant funding from SDA allocations.
Chart of Districts receiving state construction funding.
The Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act (SOCFBA) Grants
School Security Grant
- School Security Grant Instructions (Round 3)
- School Security Grant Allocations (Round 3)
- Preschool and Charter School Security Compliance Instructions
- School Security Grant Substantially Approved Applications List
- School Security Grant Final Guidelines
- School Security Grant Application Instructions
- School Security Grants Substantially Approved Allocations List Second Round
Water Infrastructure Improvement Grant
- Water Infrastructure Improvement Grant Substantially Approved Applications List
- Water Infrastructure Improvement Grant Final Guidelines
- Water Infrastructure Improvement Grant Application Instructions
CVSD Career and Technical Education Grant
- CVSD Career and Technical Education Grant Instructions (Round 3)
- CVSD Career and Technical Education Grant Eligibility (Round 3)
- CVSD Career and Technical Education Grant Substantially Approved Applications List
- Career and Technical Education Grant Final Guidelines
- Career and Technical Education Grant Application Instructions
- CVSD Bond Act FAQs, Updated February 25, 2021
- CTE-DMS Vocational School Walkthrough script
- CTE Grant Technical Assistance Session Slide Show, December 17, 2020
- CTE Grant Technical Assistance Session Presentation, December 17, 2020
- CTE Grant Second Round Eligibility, September 8, 2021
Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act Regulations
Securing Our Children's Future Bond Act Regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:26A-3.2)
For more information regarding the School Security grant application, email SecurityGrant@doe.nj.gov; for the Water Infrastructure Improvement grant application, email WaterGrant@doe.nj.gov; and for the CVSD CTE grant application, email CTEgrant@doe.nj.gov. Districts should continue to contact the New Jersey Schools Development Authority regarding Alyssa’s Law compliance at alyssaslaw@njsda.gov.
About the Office of School Facilities
The role of the Office of School Facilities is to ensure that every child attends an educational facility in the state that is safe, healthy and educationally enhanced. The office also supports the delivery of the thorough and efficient education to which all students are entitled by the New Jersey State Constitution and the New Jersey State Learning Standards. The office provides the following services to school districts:
- Administers all school facilities laws and regulations;
- Develops and maintains educational adequacy and efficiency standards for school facilities;
- Reviews educational specifications;
- Approves schematic and final educational adequacy construction plans;
- Determines preliminary and final eligible construction and soft costs for school facilities projects;
- Manages development of and updates to long-range facilities plans (LRFPs) for all regular operating districts and those served by the NJ Schools Development Authority (SDA);
- Reviews leases and lease-purchase agreements for school facility acquisition, as well as school construction, to assure efficiency and compliance with law and regulation;
- Manages the Certified Educational Facilities Manager (CEFM) program;
- Manages the Qualified School Academy Zone (QZAB) program; and
- Provides for development and oversight of Green Ribbon Schools.