Virtual Learning Toolkit: Resources for Families and Schools
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology (OET) has released two new resource guides: the Teacher Digital Learning Guide and the School Leader Digital Learning Guide.
Students rely on technology especially when learning in virtual, hybrid and limited school opening environments. The following resources are designed to provide important guidance and recommendations to support digital learning.
These guides provide strategies to help parents, teachers and school leaders effectively incorporate digital learning strategies both inside and outside the classroom.
For parents, your involvement in your child’s education can lead to better learning results and outcomes. This “Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide” will inform you, as a parent or caregiver, as you monitor your child’s progress.
The Teacher's Guide includes insights on ways to meet the unique needs of students by using educational technology, facilitating personalized learning for students, and embracing professional development opportunities. Digital learning and its supportive technology can help you as a teacher advance learning, mitigate learning loss, and create opportunities for social and emotional engagement. These publications are a companion to the Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide.
1. Devices and Hardware – Information about computers/tablets
- Contact your child’s school for information about obtaining a device for your child – District directory
- Contact your child’s school for device support and troubleshooting guidelines - District directory
- Parent Check List for Remote Digital Learning
- Choosing Technology for Remote Digital Learning
- Parent Guide to Google Classroom
- Common Sense Guide to Google Classroom
- Back-to-School Guide for Families
- NJDOE 2020 Bridging the Digital Divide
- Districts/Schools should provide guidance for common troubleshooting situations:
- Screen or keyboard stops working (hardware)
- Slow or broken internet connection (ISP)
- Lost or forgotten passwords (software)
- Trouble submitting assignments (software)
- Support may be needed in a language other than English
- Tech Readiness Checklist for Remote Digital Learning
- Choosing Technology for Remote Digital Learning
- NJ Purchasing Cooperative Contracts
- ESCNJ - Purchasing Consortium Link
- NJSBA - Protecting Equipment Outside the Classroom Webinar
- Platform Guides
- Assess, Build, and Maintain Infrastructure for Digital Learning
- Collaborate with Parents and Families for Support
2. Connectivity and Broadband – Information about internet service and Wi-fi
- Find Affordable Internet Service
- Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule COPPA
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- NJDOE – Recovery Plan Technology and Connectivity
- Choosing Technology for Remote Digital Learning
- NJ Purchasing Cooperative Contracts
- Cybersecurity Solutions
- E-rate Funding Updates
- Find Affordable Internet Service
- Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Addressing Access to High-speed Internet
3. Software and Learning Platforms
- Video Conferencing
- Learning Platform Support
- Apple
- Microsoft
- Cadence Learning - Virtual Learning Platform for Grades 3-8
- Access, Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Privacy
- Create a Customized list of EdTech Learning Resources for your School
- Top 25 Most Frequently Used (Free) Applications (bottom of p.31)
- NJSBA - Shift to Remote Learning “Cloud First” Webinar
- NJSBA - How to Support Face to Face
- Apple
- Microsoft
- NJ Purchasing Cooperative Contracts
- 21st Century Classroom Solutions
4. Training and Professional Learning – Information about engaging students through hybrid and remote instruction
- NJDOE - Virtual Professional Learning
- NJDOE & NJTV Learning Live
- NJDOE - Parent & Family Engagement
- NJDOE - Digital Resources for Content Areas
- NJDOE - Student & Family Guidance
- NJDOE - Specific Student Population Guidance
- Distance Learning Tips to Help Your Child Learn at Home
- Attendance in Preschool and Kindergarten Spells Future Success! (293 KB)
- Going the Distance: Online Strategies for Students with Disabilities
- Gifted and Talented Resources
- Three Steps for Using Culturally Responsive Practices to Support Equity During Remote Learning
- Trauma-informed strategies to support students' transition back to school in the COVID era
- Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide
- Personalized Learning for Students
- NJDOE - Virtual Professional Learning
- NJDOE - Covid-19 Guidance for Educators
- NJDOE - Covid-19 Guidance for Schools & Districts
- NJDOE - Digital Resources for Content Areas
- International Society for Technology Education (ISTE)
- National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET)
- Digital Learning Leadership and Capacity Building
- Remote Digital Learning Pedagogy
- Remote Digital Learning and Equity
- Remote Digital Learning Mental Health
- Choosing Content for Remote Digital Learning
- Remote Digital Learning Family Supports
- Evaluating Remote Digital Learning
- Remote Digital Learning Strategies for Students with Disabilities
- Remote Digital Learning Strategies for English Language Learners
- Remote Digital Learning Strategies for Tiered Interventions
- Remote Digital Learning Strategies for Preschool
- Remote Digital Learning Plan Samples p.23-30
- Resources for K-12 Educators Teaching Remotely
- Promising practices to support remote learning
- Using data to refine remote learning strategies
- Steps schools can take to ensure that students continue to progress academically whether at home or at school
- Attendance in Preschool and Kindergarten Spells Future Success! (293 KB)
- Going the Distance: Online Strategies for Students with Disabilities
- Gifted and Talented Resources
- Three Steps for Using Culturally Responsive Practices to Support Equity During Remote Learning
- Trauma-informed strategies to support students' transition back to school in the COVID era
- Supporting Multilingual Learners (MLLs)/English Language Learners (ELLs) During the COVID-19 Shutdown URL
- School Leader Digital Learning Guide
- Teacher Digital Learning Guide
- Personalized Learning for Students
- Support Learner Variability
- Assess Student Learning in Real-time
- Access, Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Privacy
5. Tech Support and Digital Literacy – Supports using technology and troubleshooting information
- Contact your child’s school for device deployment information– District directory
- Contact your child’s school for device support and troubleshooting guidelines - District directory
- Contact your child’s school for lost or stolen device - District directory
- Parent Check List for Remote Digital Learning
- NJDOE - Parent & Family Engagement
- Remote Digital Learning Family Supports
- Back to School Guides for Families
- Family, Teacher, and Technology Resources
- NJ Association of School Librarians – The Library is Open
- Learning Platform Support
- Apple
- Microsoft
- Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide
- Remote Digital Learning Family Supports
- Prepare guidance for common troubleshooting situations:
- Screen or keyboard stops working (hardware)
- Slow or broken internet connection (ISP)
- Lost or forgotten passwords (software)
- Trouble submitting assignments (software)
- Support may be needed in a language other than English
- Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)
- Extensive Free Resources to Support Digital Literacy
- Family, Teacher, and Technology Resources
- Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- School Leader Digital Learning Guide
- Collaborate with Parents and Families for Support
- Teacher Digital Learning Guide
6. Funds and Financial Support – Possible funding resources for schools
- NJDOE 2020 Bridging the Digital Divide
- NJ Purchasing Cooperative Contracts
- NJDOE – The Road Back Policy and Funding
- Policy and Funding p.61
- School Funding p.62
- CARES p,62
- FEMA p.63
- State School Aid p.63
- Use of Reserve Accounts, Transfers, and Cashflow p.64
- NJSBA Addressing School Finance Webinar
- Procure, Distribute, Manage and Maintain Devices
Throughout the website, there are multiple references to the Remote Digital Learning Roadmap. The Remote Digital Learning Roadmap was developed in partnership with Sustainable Jersey Digital Schools, the New Jersey Department of Education and the New Jersey School Boards Association.
Disclaimer: Please note that the New Jersey Department of Education has not approved the materials related to these resources. The resources are provided for informational and convenience purposes only. Neither the New Jersey Department of Education nor its officers, employees or agents specifically endorse, recommend or favor these resources or the companies/entities who have developed them.