Non-Traditional Schooling

Alternative Education is a comprehensive educational program delivered in a non-traditional learning environment that is distinct and separate from the existing general or special education program. The program should be developed for the purpose of addressing the individual learning, behavior and health needs of students determined by the school district to be at risk of school failure or who have been mandated for removal from general education.

Homeschooling is the provision of an educational program to a school-aged child, typically in the student’s home.  Students that are homeschooled have either never been enrolled in a public or private school setting or have been de-enrolled by the parent/guardian to provide the educational program somewhere elsewhere than at school.

Home instruction is the provision of one-to-one or small group instruction in the student’s place of residence or other appropriate setting due to a health condition, need for treatment, court order or exclusion from general education for disciplinary or safety reasons.

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