New Jersey Department of Education

Safe & Positive Learning Environments

Creating safe and positive school environments are essential in the support of a students’ overall wellness and academic achievement. It can also be a critical component for school staff satisfaction. When looking at the Safe and Supportive Schools Model, a positive school climate must include engagement, safety, and the environment. Engagement and strong relationships between students, teachers, families, and other school staff are critical and act as a protective factor to students by helping to build resiliency and self-regulation skills. Safety is another important component of a positive climate as students need to feel safe from violence, bullying, harassment, and substance use and misuse to truly thrive academically and socially. Environment also plays a crucial role as a clear and fair disciplinary policy, behavioral and mental health supports, and school-based health supports all work together to support a student’s school experience. The NJDOE remains committed to providing leadership to New Jersey schools in the implementation of high-quality programs and services towards developing and maintaining safe and positive learning environments for all students and staff.

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