Media Violence and Youth Pamphlet and Resources
Anderson, C.A., Carnagey, N.L. & Eubanks, J. (2003). Exposure to violent media: The effects of songs with violent lyrics in aggressive thoughts and feelings", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(5), 960-971.
Anderson, C.A., Gentile, D.A., & Buckley, K.E. (2007). Violent video game effects on children and adolescents: theory, research, and public policy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Anderson, C.A., Shibuya, A., Ihori, N., Swing, E.L., Bushman, B.J., Sakamoto, A., Rothstein, H.R., & Saleem, M. (2010). Violent video game effects on aggression, empathy, and prosocial behavior in Eastern and Western countries. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 151-173.
Australian Council on Children and Media.
Bardick, A.D. (2007). Conducting adolescent violence risk assessments: A framework for school counselors. Professional School Counseling.
Joint statement on the impact of entertainment violence on children. (2000, July 26). Congressional Public Health Summit.
Entertainment Software Rating Board.
Hawkins, J.D., Herrenkohl, T.I., Farrington, D.P., Brewer, D., Catalano, R.F., Harachi, T.W., & Cothern, L. (2000). Predictors of youth violence. Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 1-11.
International Society for Research on Aggression-Media Violence Commission. (2012). Report of the media violence commission. Aggressive Behavior, 38, 335-341.
Karlsson, J., Pagan, A., Harris, B., & Massarelli, T. (2010). A program to counteract the effects of violent video games. Presented at NASP Convention, Chicago, IL.
Media overexposure to violence worse than being there. (2013, December 10). The Japan Times.
Media violence policy statement. (2009, October 19). American Academy of Pediatrics.
Steinfeld, J. (1972). Statement in hearings before Subcommittee on Communications of Committee on Commerce (U.S. Senate, Serial No. 92–52, pp. 25–27). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Violence in the media: psychologists study television and video games for potential harmful effects. (2013, November). American Psychological Association.
Walker, Cherisse L. (2006). Violence prevention: A mental health issue, tips for parents & educators. National Association of School Psychologists.
Warning signs of youth violence. (2013, January). American Psychological Association.