Special Education Directories
Regulated by New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-5.1 through 5.2
The clinics and agencies in this directory are approved to contract with public school districts to provide services for two categories of students: 1) Eligible students, enrolled at public expense, in public school districts and 2) Eligible students, enrolled at parental expense, in nonpublic schools. Clinics may be approved to provide services on-site at the location listed and/or off-site at the student's home, school or other appropriate location.
SERVICE LOCATIONS: Clinics and agencies may be approved to provide services on-site at an approved clinic/agency location and/or off-site at the student's home, school or place of confinement (e.g., hospital). The approval permits each clinic/agency to operate in any area of the state. However, each clinic/agency determines the geographic area to be served. For specific information as to the areas served, please contact the agency directly.
As of July 1, 2017, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) will no longer maintain a list of approved clinics and agencies providing one-to-one skilled nursing services. Clinics and agencies providing one-to-one skilled nursing services to students attending school must appear on the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) Medicaid Provider Directory. Please access the NJMMIS website to determine if an agency appears in the DHS Medicaid Provider Directory. Under the 'Provider Specialty' drop-down menu, select "Private Duty Nursing" and submit the request. The NJDOE will continue to maintain a list of approved clinics and agencies providing substitute nurses and nurses for nonpublic schools.
The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) Approved Clinic and Agency Directory has a new look. You will notice that the Directory has migrated to an Excel spreadsheet. Users are able to download, save and search the spreadsheet which eliminates the need to open multiple links to access information. The Directory will be updated monthly, if not more frequently, with new provider information. Please direct questions about the Directory to clinicagency clinicagency@doe.nj.gov.
Approved Clinics and Agencies Directory
New Update to directory dated: 2/7/2025
To access application and amendment forms, please see below.
The Directory of Bilingual Child Study Team Professionals is a list of individuals who, by self-report, possess the certification and are proficient in the language under which they are listed. The New Jersey Department of Education updates the list annually. However, the DOE neither endorses nor attest to the veracity of the information. It is the responsibility of districts to ensure that anyone considered for a child study team evaluation holds the appropriate certification and is proficient in the language of the student. Bilingual CST Professionals Directory is found under the New Jersey Department of Education Resources on the Title III, Part A website.
The entities in this directory are approved to contract with public school districts to provide transition services for students with disabilities. While these programs are available to provide transition services to all eligible students, these programs will be particularly beneficial to those students who would benefit from additional transition services to ensure successful post school outcomes.
These entities may be approved to provide transition services on-site at the location listed and/or off-site at the student's school or other appropriate community location, in accordance with the students' IEP.
NOTE: The county in which the community transition program is located is noted in parentheses next to the name. The geographic service area is not restricted by the location of the program. Each Community Transition program determines its geographic service area.
Approved Community Transition Programs Updated 9/30/22
To access the application forms, please see below.
The following is a list of Out-of-State Private Schools that have met the requirements for approval to serve New Jersey students with disabilities. This means the private school has been approved by the education authority in the state where the school is located (home state). Also, if the private school is a residential school, it has been approved by the residential licensing authority of the home state or by the New Jersey Department of Children and Families. In addition, during the previous school year, the approved private school was able to demonstrate a need by serving a specific student or students with disabilities from New Jersey whose particular circumstances required the services of that school.
If you are seeking placement for a student with a disability in a particular out-of-state private school that is not listed below, the out-of-state private school must complete an application for approval and verify that a New Jersey school district is seeking placement of a student with disabilities. Upon receipt by the Office of Special Education, the application review will be expedited to ensure a prompt response. To request an application, the out-of-state private school must contact the Office of Special Education via email at OSEinfo@doe.nj.gov.
Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities (Out of State) Updated October 2024
The schools listed in this section are identified in New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-7.1(a), under the broad category of receiving schools, and represent a type separate from that of approved private schools for the disabled. They are provided under the auspices of New Jersey public institutes of higher education. Public college-operated programs represent one of many placement options public school districts may consider in meeting individualized education needs of students.
Consistent with regulations governing all receiving schools, public college-operated programs must comply with federal and state special education regulations. Compliance monitoring is carried out by the Department of Education. Tuition rates, however, are determined solely by the individual school and not by the Department of Education.
For additional information about these special education programs, please contact the schools directly, at the addresses and telephone numbers provided.
Public-College-Operated Schools for Students with Disabilities
County: Hudson
School Name: A. Harry Moore School
Code: 18 8385 001
2078 Kennedy Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07305
151 Ryders Lane
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
Telephone: (201) 200-3138
Contact Person: Jason Jusino
Title: Principal
Class Type(s) | Age Range(s) |
Orthopedically Impairment | 05-21 |
Preschool Disabilities | 03-05 |
Severe Cognitive Impairment | 05-21 |
Multiple Disabilities | 05-21 |
Type of Program: Day School
Length of Program: 10 Months
School Day: 8:30 to 2:15
County: Essex
School Name: Demonstration Program at Montclair State University
Code: 14 8332 001
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043
Telephone: (973) 655-7177
Fax: (973) 655-5515
Contact Person: Ms. Lyudmyla Yakubov
Title: Director
Class Type(s) | Age Range(s) |
Early Intervention | Birth to 03 |
Preschool Disabilities | 03-05 |
Type of Program: Day School
Length of Program: 11 Months
School Day:
8:30 to 3:30 (therapeutic hours are 8:30 - 1:30); 5 days per week
County: Middlesex
School Name: Douglas Developmental Disabilities Center
Code: 24 8333 001
Address 1:
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
25 Gibbons Circle
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8528
Address 2:
151 Ryders Lane
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
Telephone: (848) 932-4500
Fax: (732) 932-8011
Contact Person: Catriona Francis
Title: Director
Class Type(s) | Age Range(s) |
Preschool Disabilities | 03-05 |
Autistic | 06-21 |
Type of Program: Day School
Length of Program: 10 Months/ 12 Months Option
School Day: 9:15 to 2:45
County: Middlesex
School Name: Rutgers Day School
Code: 24 8334 001
671 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1392
(732) 235-5720
(732) 235-4677
(732) 235-4841
(732) 235-3418
Contact Persons: Kimberly Baltrop, M.A.
Title: Principal
Class Type(s) | Age Range(s) |
Behavioral Disabilities | 06-19 |
Preschool Disabilities | 04-05 |
Type of Program: Day School
Length of Program: 12 Months
School Day:
9:00 to 3:00