The OPRA Handbook for Records Custodians has been prepared by the Government Records Council to help public agency records custodians understand the requirements of the State of New Jersey's Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.).  While the handbook focuses on the needs of records custodians, we anticipate that it will also be a useful resource for requestors interested in obtaining access to government records.

This handbook serves as a reference, but it does not serve as legal advice and is not a substitute for legal advice from public agency legal advisors.  Records custodians should rely on agency legal advice on issues that could result in disputes, particularly those related to a denial of access to government records.


Custodian's Handbook (Seventh Edition - Updated November 2022)


***New To The Seventh Edition***

  • Included new exemptions added to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1 (records related to criminal cannabis record; inclusion of NGB-22 as an exempt record, and Daniel's Law exemptions)(pgs. 8, 9-10)
  • Added Denial of Access Complaint statute of limitation information (pg. 26, 28)
  • Added information on anonymous complaint filings (pg. 28)
  • Added additional Denial of Access Complaint process information resulting from the promulgation of new GRC regulations (pgs. 30-31)