• Please select the appropriate sort order option.
  • To view a complete list of all OPRA subject search options, click on Subject.
  • To view a complete list of all documents requested search options, click on Document.
  • Click start search to begin the search.

Search GRC Decisions
Searching by field will only return documents that include the text searched for in the fields specified.
OPRA Subject/Documents
Exact Match
Complainant Exact Match
Public Agency Exact Match
Complaint Number  
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Search by Keyword

Searching for decisions and other documents on the GRC's website by "Keyword" is now possible using "inurl:grc" in your query on the State of NJ Search.

  1. Go to : https://www.nj.gov/search/
  2. Provide the search query in the "Search" field
  3. Add " inurl:grc " in addition to your search queries in the "Search" field
  4. Press the Search Glass Icon