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Healthy NJ 2020

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Nutrition and Physical Activity

There has been a dramatic increase in adults, teens, and children who are either overweight or obese in New Jersey. People who are physically active and eat nutritious foods are at a decreased risk of being overweight and obese.


Progress Toward Target

*Figures shown are a mix of counts, percentages, rates, and ratios. Click the Objective statement for more information about the corresponding measure.

Exceeding Target
At/Making progress toward Target
Not progressing toward Target
Negative progression toward Target

Health professionals recognize the benefits associated with a healthy eating plan based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Proper nutrition promotes the optimal growth and development of children. A healthy diet also helps reduce the risks for many health conditions.1  Regular physical activity helps improve a person's overall health and fitness, and reduces the risk for many chronic diseases.2

A person whose weight is higher than what is considered as a normal weight adjusted for height is described as being overweight or having obesity.3 Body Mass Index (BMI) is the weight-to-height ratio most commonly used to estimate and screen for overweight and obesity. Overweight is defined as a BMI of 25 or higher; obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher.


For more information, please refer to these resources:


  1. USDHHS and USDA. 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition. Dec 2015.
  2. Physical Activity, CDC. 3/12/21.
  3. Overweight and Obesity Statistics. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Jul 2017.

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