To help ensure adequate care for nursing home residents, New Jersey law requires nursing homes to report information on the number of staff involved in direct patient care.
Nursing homes are required to post publicly on their premises information that details their direct resident care staffing levels. Nursing homes must also report daily staffing levels to the Department of Health.
The Department of Health makes this information available to the public on a quarterly basis. These quarterly reports show the average resident-to-staff ratios for a three-month period, which means lower numbers are better. The lower the number, the fewer the residents each on-duty staff member must care for.
Nursing Homes may use a mix of nurse personnel - Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs) – to provide daily health and other care needs to their residents. Nursing home staff such as clerks, administrators, or housekeeping staff are not included in these staffing level numbers.
Look Up Nursing Home Staff ReportsAs a hospital patient, your health and safety are directly impacted by the availability of nursing care at your hospital.
When the number of nurses on duty is inadequate, the remaining nurses may have too many patients to provide optimal care to all of them.
To help ensure this doesn't occur, New Jersey law requires hospitals to compile and report information on the number of staff involved in direct patient care.
In addition, hospitals must post staffing information in the facility daily, provide that staffing information when requested by the public, and report their staffing levels to the Department of Health every month.