Coming Soon: Board of Pharmacy Guidance

The NJ Board of Pharmacy is expected to issue guidance soon to its licensees about dispensing naloxone.  When that guidance is issued, the Department of Health will link to it from here.

Information for Medical Practitioners

State law allows physicians to prescribe Naloxone (Narcan ®) to anyone in a position to assist others during an overdose (e.g., bystanders). This is called third party prescribing.

Learn More

Naloxone (Narcan ®) Distribution and Training

Naloxone (Narcan ®) is a medication designed to reverse opioid overdose rapidly. It binds to opioid receptors in the body—the same parts of the nervous system that opioid drugs target. When this happens, it can reverse and block the effects of other opioids. It can restore normal respiration very quickly to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped as a result of overdosing with heroin or prescription opioid pain medications.

The Department of Health facilitates naloxone (Narcan ®) availability and training in its use through a variety of public and private partnerships across the state.

Standing Orders: Naloxone

In an effort to make naloxone more widely accessible to pharmacist, law and public safety personnel, and the general public; the process by which the standing orders were assigned no longer exists and has been replaced with a blank standing order.  Anyone who wishes to administer naloxone can now do so by simply accessing the blank standing order by clicking on the respective links below.  

Pharmacists blank standing order

General public blank standing order


Help and Resources:

Programa de naloxona gratis en farmacias de NJ



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These instructions, created by the manufacturer of Narcan ®, are for those who want to assist others experiencing an opioid overdose by providing emergency assistance to them and by giving them intranasal naloxone (Narcan ®), the overdose antidote. After viewing the instructions and other information, individuals may ask their physicians/advance practice nurses or pharmacist about obtaining naloxone (Narcan ®) (they can also be referred to this website for information about prescribing the drug and the intranasal applicator).

A manufacturer-produced how-to video is also available.

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Opioid Overdose Prevention Program

The three regional opioid overdose prevention programs provide individuals at-risk for overdose, their family members, friends, and loved ones with naloxone rescue kits and educate and train them on how to prevent, recognize and respond to an opioid overdose. Additionally, funded organizations have established a procedure to make naloxone (Narcan ®) available to those who are either at-risk or have family, friends or loved ones at-risk for an opioid overdose. Intranasal administration of naloxone (Narcan ®) is the protocol recommended by the Department of Health.


Morris County Prevention is Key
25 West Main St.
Rockaway, NJ 07866
Contact: Erica Shortway


Jersey Shore Healthcare
685 Neptune Blvd
Neptune Township NJ 07732
Contact: Diane Villari


Urban Treatment Associates
808 Market St.
Camden, NJ 08102
Contact: Joanna Dugan

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Last Reviewed: 7/11/2024