DMHAS promotes the use of data-driven information to guide policy, planning and decision making. An array of research and planning tools are used to provide information and recommendations to enhance program development, service delivery, outcomes and accountability. This section contains a wide range of reports to inform and educate our stakeholders about behavioral health care data in New Jersey.
Under Epidemiological Reports data are provided in the New Jersey Epidemiological Profile for Substance Abuse that provide information on consumption and consequence patterns related to substance abuse. The 2013 New Jersey Chartbook of Substance Abuse Related Social Indicators provides chartbooks for every county; earlier versions of Chartbooks (2005 and 2003) are also provided. The Chartbook contains extensive social indicator data that have been shown to be related to substance abuse.
Federal Reports include findings from reviews by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). Also included are our annual Synar Report submissions and our Federal joint block grant submission for mental health and substance abuse.
Intoxicated Driving Program (IDP) reports since 2004 are included under this link. Annual Statistical Summary Reports are provided along with County IDRC Statistical "Quick Sheets".
State Psychiatric Hospital reports include data on hospital census, admissions and discharges, walkaways and elopements, and incidents. Information is also provided on legal status and Megan's Law.
Under Miscellaneous Reports there are reports on a variety of topics, such as the NJSAMS Heroin Report, the Adolescent Task Force Report, etc. and other publications. Other topical reports will be added under this link.
Treatment Need and Treatment Demand Estimates are provided for substance abuse treatment under Need Assessment channel. Also included are the Behavioral Need Assessment Reports. Our needs assessment process utilizes a combination of sophisticated estimation methodologies such as population-based household surveys to determine need coefficient indexes, capture-recapture and relative needs assessment.
In our Statistical Reports section you can find Substance Abuse Overviews which present statewide. county and municipal level data on statistics related to substance abuse treatment in New Jersey. Reports are provided since 2006 so trends can be analyzed.
The Division conducts large scale surveys such as the New Jersey Household Survey on Drug Use and Health and the Middle School Surveys Risk and Protective Factor Survey. Results of the middle school surveys, which are conducted about every three years, are available for 2012, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2001 and 1999. For the 2012 Middle School Survey, brief reports by county and substance are also provided. Household surveys, which are conducted every five years, are available for 2009, 2003 and 1998. There is a 2008 High School Risk and Protective Factor Survey. Other surveys DMHAS conducts can also be found here when selecting the link for Surveys.
Under Performance Reports there are calendar and fiscal year statewide performance reports for substance abuse treatment agencies that present outcomes on a variety of measures, such as abstinence from alcohol, abstinence from drugs, employment, enrollment in school/job training, arrests and homelessness by the different levels of care.