The New Jersey Department of Health Public Health and Environmental Laboratories has confirmed Influenza in the Union County child who died in a North Jersey hospital over the weekend.
Because of privacy concerns, the Department will not be releasing additional information.
Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Shereef Elnahal offered his condolences to the child’s family, friends and classmates.
“This is a severe flu season and stopping the spread of the flu remains a critical public health priority, which is why we have recently launched a significant public awareness campaign within my first few weeks on the job. As I mentioned after the second confirmed case, we continue to take every reported case of a pediatric flu-associated death very seriously,” said Dr. Elnahal.
The Department of Health is still recommending that people take the necessary precautions during this flu season: wash or disinfect your hands frequently, cover any coughs and sneezes, stay home and call your health care provider if you are sick (especially with a fever), and get a flu shot.
“We continue to recommend that everyone get the vaccine if they are able. In most people, it still provides protection against the flu or severe symptoms if you do get the flu. Flu season can last until May, so we are continuing to focus very closely on this public health issue," Elnahal said.
Residents can find flu vaccination clinics near them by calling their local health department. Local health department contact information can be found on this site:
The first New Jersey pediatric death this flu season was a 4-year-old girl from Central Jersey who died in December. A second pediatric flu death was reported last week in a six-year-old girl from Hudson County.
To learn more about flu, please visit A Q&A on flu for parents is available at:
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