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- School Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Did You Know?
- That lack of appropriate facilities is a major challenge for schools that want to serve healthy meals?
- The Department of Health suggests schools follow the Alliance for a Healthier Generation model school wellness policy?
- School wellness & health councils, made up of parents, youth, educators and other community members, provide advice and support in implementing school wellness policies and creating healthy, active school environments?
- The state has core curriculum content standards requiring that students have a minimum of 150 minutes of health, physical education (PE) and safety education per week in grades 1-12?
- The Department of Health recommends that elementary school students have 150 minutes and middle and high school students have 225 minutes of physical education per week throughout the school year?
- A comprehensive physical activity program for schools helps students meet the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day and avoid long periods of inactivity?
School Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Last Reviewed: 5/31/2024