APC and Dog License Fees

Submit Payments

For government or veterinary use only. DO NOT click the "Submit Payments" button if you are a resident wanting to pay licensing fees for your pet. Residents should pay fees directly to the local municipality where the animal resides, not to NJ Department of Health. 

Dog Licensing

The "Submit Payment" option on this page is only for use by municipal governments submitting dog license revenue and veterinarians submitting co-payment fees for dog and cat spay and neuter surgeries to the NJDOH.

Residents wanting to pay dog licensing fees should not use this NJDOH payment option and instead pay dog licensing fees to the municipality where the dog(s) are kept.


Dogs seven months of age or older must be licensed annually through the municipality where the owner lives. The owner must present proof that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian, and that its immunity will extend through at least ten months of the twelve-month license period. (An exemption will be granted if the owner presents written certification from a veterinarian that the dog cannot be vaccinated due to a medical condition or course of therapy).

Municipal licensing fees are set by municipal ordinance and can range from $1.50 to $21.00 per dog. Licensing clerks also collect the following additional fees when the dog is licensed: $1.00 for each dog licensed that is forwarded to the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) and placed in the Rabies Trust Fund to support State rabies and animal control programs; $3.00 for dogs that are not spayed or neutered, which is forwarded to the NJDOH, Animal Population Control Program (APC) to fund the New Jersey low cost spay and neuter program; and 20 cents for each dog licensed that is also forwarded to the APC.

Many municipalities also require cat licensing based on municipal ordinance.


Municipal Dog Licensing Procedures

Monthly Dog License Report (VPH-10)

- Form & Instructions

Last Reviewed: 10/28/2024