County Psychiatric Hospitals
The Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services funds approximately 90 percent of the cost of indigent inpatient care at four county psychiatric units or hospitals through its State Aid Program. The Division will utilize an estimated $131 million for FY 2015 in State Aid funding to support operations in the psychiatric facilities. Approximately 8,400 clients are served annually. The average daily census in the County hospitals was 734 in FY 2014, of which nearly 664 were billable to the State Aid Program.
The county hospitals are operated under the direction of the respective County Boards of Chosen Freeholders in the following counties:
- Bergen New Bridge Medical Center in Paramus, Bergen County
- Essex County Hospital Center in Cedar Grove, Essex County
- Meadowview Hospital in Secaucus, Hudson County (201-369-5252)
- Runnells Hospital in Berkeley Heights, Union County (908-771-5700)