Healthy New Jersey

New Jersey Governor's Council on Mental Health Stigma

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Logo of Mental Health Stigma
Anxiety, depression, substance use and other mental health disorders have been highly prevalent and continue to increase, especially during traumatic situations, such as natural and manmade disasters. However, many people do not seek help for mental illnesses or substance use disorders because of stigma, whether that is felt by the individuals themselves or expressed by other people in their lives.

Never has there been a better and more necessary time for the New Jersey Governor's Council on Mental Health Stigma to forge ahead with its vitally important work to end stigma and discrimination and ensure health equity for all.

Combating stigma starts with education. This website has many resources to make people aware of the myths and the realities. To access resources, click on any of the categories in the Resources menu above.

What’s New from the Council

  • Help Eliminate Stigma by Sharing Inspiring Success Stories!
    Please click here to read success stories as examples. Then, link to a subsequent page to read the criteria and submit stories to be considered for posting on this website. Thank you for supporting our mission to eradicate stigma and encourage others to seek help when needed to foster their own successes!

Stories Inspiring Progress

The best way to eliminate stigma is to educate individuals about mental health and mental illnesses, especially the fact that mental illnesses are real, just like physical health conditions, and should not incite any judgment or discrimination. Such education should include individuals’ success stories.

The New Jersey Governor’s Council on Mental Health Stigma invites individuals to share their inspiring stories.
Here is one of many examples:

There is hope for you as there was for me

by Emily

Emily: Grossman, MA, CPRP, a member of the Council, Senior Training and Consultation Specialist at Rutgers School of Health Professions, and author of Unlocked: 25 Keys to Recovering from Depression, Anxiety or Bipolar Disorder

Click here to see video

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Back to Basics: Sharing Stories of Stigma and Hope


Join the Anti-Stigma Coalition for a Facebook Live on January 23 at noon to hear the stories of two local men who have experienced stigma and achieved recovery............

Invisible Pain Day 2025


Invisible Pain Day is recognized on January 7th, a day we commemorate those we have lost by suicide because of mental illness while supporting and encouraging survivors......

January NAMI NJ Online or In-Person Support Groups


NAMI Family Support Group is a 60-90 minute support group for adult friends and family members (18+) of people with mental health conditions. Participants gain the support of peers who understand their experience and gain insight into others’ challenges and successes......

Council News

Council News

Teen suicide: Tellone explains how we can all work together to save our youth


Honoree at Mental Health Association of N.J.’s Evening of Excellence, details impact her group, the Society of the Prevention of Teen Suicide, is having


Tom Bergeron



October 6-12, 2024 is Mental Illness Awareness Week


Council Publishes New Issue of Stopping Stigma, Focusing on Serving Underserved/Marginalized Populations

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