Healthy New Jersey

New Jersey Governor's Council on Mental Health Stigma

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Talk about It

Start a dialogue with family and friends. Talking about mental illness engages, enlightens, and educates others. Choose mental health stigma as a "water cooler" conversation with your colleagues, and then take it up the ladder to senior management.

Individuals living with a mental illness, may be hesitant to talk about it. Join a support group. There, you will find individuals who have shared like experiences. This will provide a safe environment where you can be yourself while gaining insight and confidence. You can also receive guidance on the best approach to talking with family, friends, and colleagues.

Many individuals living with mental illness have joined initiatives to speak out about their experiences through various speakers’ bureaus and programs. Putting a face on mental health is vital to changing the perception of the public at large and is a reminder that everyone is a member of the human family, and that everyone has the potential to positively contribute to society.

Click here for Stories Inspiring Progress and consider submitting your story to be considered for being shared on this website.  

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