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State of New Jersey Deapartment of Human Services title graphic  
Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
New Jersey Helps
Reach NJ Addiction Help
Council on Mental Health Stigma
New Jersey Mental Health Cares Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline   Nacional de Prevencion del Suicidio
National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
New Jersey Housing Resource Center
NJ Family Care
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Peer Recovery Warm Line

DMHAS is the State Mental Health Authority (SMHA) that oversees the state's public system of adult mental health services.  The SMHA operates state psychiatric hospitals and contracts with providers for community services.  In addition, four county-operated psychiatric hospitals function as part of the continuum of services and receive most of their funding from the SMHA.  The DMHAS has a Patient Services Compliance Unit as a means to investigate allegations of abuse, neglect or professional misconduct while patients are hospitalized.

The state actively includes consumers and family members in Patient Services Compliance Unit.  In 2012, the Patient Services Compliance Unit conducted five separate on-site reviews in all of the state psychiatric hospitals.

The programs that the SMHA funds fall within three levels of service along the continuum of care. Descriptions of these various levels of care can be accessed through the mental health directory.

The SMHA has consistently provided mental health and related support services to members of the armed forces and veterans as part of its regular behavioral health service delivery system.  When possible, the service member is connected to the VA healthcare system if eligible.  Behavioral health prevention, early identification, treatment and recovery support system efforts targeted to New Jersey's population of veterans is a high priority.

Each county has a Mental Health Board that is staffed by a Mental Health Administrator.  The Boards advise the SMHA and the Behavioral Health Planning Council of issues and programs that are of significance to their locale and residents.

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