In addition to contracts, over 25% of addictions funding is in the form of participation in a Fee-For-Service (FFS) Network. FFS initiatives are a means to ensure utilization and to promote client retention in care. For detailed information on FFS, please go to the NJSAMS website.
DMHAS currently has multiple initiatives providing a full continuum of care to clients through a network of licensed providers who are reimbursed via FFS including:
Driving Under the Influence Initiative (DUII),
Drug Court (DC),
Intoxicated Driving Program (IDP)
Mutual Agreement Program - State Parole Board (MAP-SPB),
Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative (MATI)
Specialty Treatment Programs
The Co-Occurring Network provides limited FFS funding to provide integrated co-occurring services to individual clients who are receiving substance abuse treatment services. The Mutual Agreement Program - Department of Corrections (MAP-DOC) provides limited FFS funding as well.
If your agency has a substance abuse treatment facility license and would like to submit a Network Application for eligibility to provide services for Co-Occurring, DUII, DC, MAP-SPB, MAP-DOC, MATI, SJI, or WFNJSAI, you may download the application for submission. If you have additional questions, please contact Office of Care Management at (609) 292-9068. DMHAS reviews applications for all initiatives on a quarterly basis.