Hurricane Sandy Recovery
Getting Help & Advice About Recovering From Hurricane Sandy
- Executive Order 104 - State of Emergency
- Executive Order 105 – Halloween Rescheduled
- Executive Order 106 – State of Water Emergency
- Executive Order 107 – Protect Storm-Impacted New Jersey Homeowners from Higher Insurance Deductiblese
- Executive Order 108– Limited State of Energy Emergency
- Executive Order 109– Suspending Sunday sales restrictions in Bergen County
- Executive Order 110 - Suspends Restrictions, Permitting Fuel Retailers to Sell Fuel Shared by Other Retailers
- Executive Order 112 - Orders and directs the grace period for payment of fourth-quarter property taxes for municipalities other than those municipalities with accelerated tax sales is extended to November 16, 2012
- Executive Order 113 - Orders and directs the grace period for payment of fourth-quarter property taxes for municipalities other than those municipalities with accelerated tax sales is extended to November 16, 2012
- Executive Order 114 -Executive Order 108, signed on November 2, 2012 is rescinded
- Executive Order 115, extends the action taken in Executive Order 110 on November 4 to ease restrictions on fuel sales in New Jersey
- Executive Order 117 - rescinds the suspension of the Blue Laws in Bergen County provided for in Executive Executive Order 109