Jersey Statute 39:4-92.2
Procedure for motorist approaching certain stationary vehicle.
a. The operator of a motor vehicle approaching
a stationary authorized emergency vehicle as
defined in R.S.39:1-1 that is displaying a flashing,
blinking or alternating red or blue light or,
any configuration of lights containing one of
these colors, shall approach the authorized
emergency vehicle with due caution and shall,
absent any other direction by a law enforcement
officer, proceed as follows:
Make a lane change into a lane not adjacent
to the authorized emergency vehicle if possible
in the existing safety and traffic conditions;
If a lane change pursuant to paragraph (1) of
subsection a. of this section would be impossible,
prohibited by law or unsafe, reduce the speed
of the motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper
speed for the existing road and traffic conditions,
which speed shall be less than the posted speed
limit, and be prepared to stop.
b. The operator of a motor vehicle approaching a stationary tow truck as defined in section 1 of P.L.1999, c.396 (C.39:3-84.6) that is displaying a flashing amber light, a stationary highway maintenance or emergency service vehicle that is operated by the State, an authority or a county or municipality and displaying flashing yellow, amber, or red lights, or a stationary sanitation vehicle displaying a flashing amber warning light pursuant to section 1 of P.L.2011, c.3 (C.39:3-54.27) shall approach the vehicle with due caution and shall, absent any other direction by a law enforcement officer, proceed as follows:
(1) Make a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the tow truck, highway maintenance or emergency service vehicle, or sanitation vehicle if possible in the existing safety and traffic conditions; or
If a lane change under paragraph (1) of subsection
b. of this section would be impossible, prohibited
by law or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor
vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for
the existing road and traffic conditions, which
speed shall be less than the posted speed limit,
and be prepared to stop.
A violation of this section shall be punished
by a fine of not less than $100 and not more
than $500.
2017, c.43, s.1. |