Pension data is published for both active and retired members of the Public Employees' Retirement System, Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund, Police and Fireman's Retirement System, State Police Retirement System, Judicial Retirement System, Consolidated Police and Firemen's Pension Fund, and Prison Officers' Pension Fund. It includes both state and local employee data.
A member may have records in more than one fund, and may have both an active and a retired record in these data sets.
We have also combined other functionality onto these master data files, such as:
The Pension Payroll Explorer enables multiple ways to search for retired pension data. The dataset displays the calendar year-to-date payments and the monthly allowances for each pensioner (retired member). It also includes the retirement date, last employer, pension fund, retirement cause and type of recipient. Using the Explorer, you can search on any combination of employee name, location (employer), pension fund, retirement cause, recipient type, year of retirement and monthly pension allowance. The dataset is also available directly. It is updated quarterly.
This data represents employees who are active contributing members of the pension funds. It includes activity for the quarter reported as well as the three preceding calendar quarters on a rolling basis. Members may have multiple records due to membership in more than one fund. This data set replaces the multiple spreadsheet files previously published on YourMoney.NJ.Gov. It is updated quarterly.