We publish monthly revenue data for the departments and agencies (Agency Revenue) that use the central accounting system and for independent authorities (Authority Revenue) that maintain their own systems. For each type, we aggregate data for the thirteen accounting periods from each fiscal year into one master data file. You can filter data files on individual fiscal years or view multiple years.
We publish a multi-year summary following the year-end processing for each fiscal year. This summary includes only completed fiscal years (and the most recent year may still be undergoing end-of-year adjustments).
We publish a combined view of both Revenue data sets.
We have also combined other functionality onto these master data files, such as:
This data consists of all revenue authorized by the State Legislature and includes other funds and fees received by State agencies (Executive Branch cabinet departments, Legislature and Judiciary) but not necessarily reflected in the State budget. This data is only available for Departments and Agencies that use the State's Comprehensive Financial System (CFS). It is updated monthly.
This data consists of revenue reported by independent authorities. Effective April 1, 2013 revenue data for the Atlantic City Convention & Visitors Authority (ACCVA) is no longer reported independently but is instead consolidated into the New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (NJCRDA) data. It is updated monthly.
This aggregates Authority Revenue data with data from corresponding Agency Revenue attributes to form a comprehensive data set. It is updated monthly.