SESP - State Energy Sector Partnership Council

The State Energy Sector Partnership Council was formed to develop and promote the State's strategic vision, goals and strategies for preparing an educated and skilled workforce for the energy industry.  The overarching role of the Council is to strategically address the workforce needs of New Jersey's energy industry in alignment with the state's Energy Master Plan.  The Council is comprised of State Commissioners from Departments that receive infrastructure funds, business leaders from industry, industry associations, organized labor and representatives from local Workforce Investment Boards, One-Stop Career Centers, education, community and faith-based organizations.  The council is chaired by Dennis M. Bone, President of Verizon NJ Inc., and chair of the SETC.

In 2010, a $6 million grant was awarded to the SETC, through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) under the U.S. Department of Labor's State Energy Sector Partnership Program.  The grant provides energy-related training grants in the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy industries.  The SESP Council has targeted these funds to:  1) improve access to mid-level, career path jobs, especially for veterans and their eligible spouses, the unemployed, economically disadvantaged youth and adults, individuals with disabilities, and ex-offenders; 2) provide skill upgrades to incumbent workers to help them maintain employment and move along career paths, thus opening up new positions for unemployed and disadvantaged populations; 3) attract younger workers and non-traditional populations to key occupations, particularly engineering-related careers; and 4) ensure accountability among funded training programs.


Energize your workers - Invest in your future with a New Jersey Power Training Grant

SESP Postcard [pdf 811kb]

SESP Grant Initiative Overview [pdf 23kb]