Disaster Assistance/Map
Disaster can strike at any time. It is important to realize that recovery from a disaster may be a slow and a difficult process, but there are a number of government and non-government resources that are available. To get back to normal, please use the resources on this page to help you.
Find your lost pet after an emergency at EmergencyPetMatcher.
Helpful information to help pets after emergencies.
Resources on finding shelter for your pet during emergencies.
Resources for human and animal food producers affected by flooding
Map to Find Animal Emergency Assistance
Use this interactive tool to help find resources for before, during and after disasters in New Jersey. You will be able to locate animal shelters, veterinary hospitals, fairgrounds, feedstores, Offices of Emergency Management, racetracks/show facilities, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension offices. You simply type in your current location or specify any location you're interested in and you will find results.