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Commercial Customers
Commercial and Industrial Customers
NJBPU regulates utility service for commercial and industrial (non-residential customers) ratepayers, including electric, natural gas, telephone, cable, and water service. The law requires NJBPU to ensure safe, reliable, and proper utility services at reasonable rates for customers in New Jersey.
Find your local utility here.
Customer Bill of Rights
Rate Counsel Consumer Assistance Handbook
NJBPU monitors federal transmission issues and regulates distribution of energy to residents and businesses. The Board also oversees
New Jersey's Clean Energy Program™ and other initiatives to help increase energy efficiency, deploy renewable sources of power, and manage energy costs.
New Jersey deregulated power generation in 1999. Since that time customers have had the ability to shop for their energy supplier. NJBPU oversees an annual energy auction (Basic Generation Service, or BGS) that provides default service if a ratepayer chooses not to shop. Public utility companies in New Jersey still have a monopoly over the delivery of power (distribution), which is why those utilities are regulated by the Board.
Today, consumers have even more options with the evolution of renewable power, energy efficiency programs, and smart technology. Both NJBPU's Office of Clean Energy and its Business Ombudsperson provide assistance and advice to help commercial and industrial customers manage their energy costs.
How to read your electric bill.
Find your local electric company.
Third Party Supply Basics.
Natural Gas
Natural gas is an important part of the energy portfolio in New Jersey. The natural gas industry is a complex network of companies that produce, transport, and distribute natural gas. In New Jersey, more than 2.9 million customers use natural gas. NJBPU oversees more than 35,000 miles of distribution lines, which provide natural gas to individual users, as well as more than 1,500 miles of transmission lines. Natural gas customers in New Jersey can choose which company they want to provide their natural gas service.
NJBPU regulates South Jersey Gas, New Jersey Natural Gas, PSE&G, and Elizabethtown Gas. Although customers can shop for the supply, these companies have a monopoly on the transmission and delivery system so they fall under the Board’s regulatory review.
How to read your natural gas bill.
Telephone and Cable
In 2015, in recognition of the continued convergence of technologies such as voice, data, and video services, NJBPU's Division of Telecommunications consolidated with its Office of Cable Television, to form the "Office of Cable Television and Telecommunications."
The consolidation has streamlined operations and brought unique synergies that allow NJBPU to identify opportunities and meet consumer and industry needs more quickly. The Office of Cable Television and Telecommunications monitors industry developments at the federal level and participates in forums at both the local and national level to proactively advocate for New Jersey's positions and interests.
Telephone Providers in New Jersey
NJBPU's Division of Water oversees the regulation of approximately 45 investor-owned
water and
wastewater utilities. The Division handles service quality, conservation, and tariff issues.