After you pass your exam, your name goes on an eligible list ranked by score. When an appointing authority (hiring agency) notifies the Civil Service Commission (CSC) that it wants to fill vacancies, CSC sends them the names that are ranked highest on the eligible list for the title they want to use. This is called a certification list. When your name appears on a certification list, it means that you may be interviewed and considered for appointment.
Also, when your name appears on a certification list, CSC will send you a Notification of Certification. You must contact the appointing authority in writing within 5 business days to express your interest. If you do not respond, your name may be removed from the eligible list.
If a Disabled Veteran or Veteran is the first name on the certification, the appointing authority must hire that candidate unless there is a very good reason not to. If there are no disabled veterans or veterans on a certification, the appointing authority can normally choose from among the top 3 candidates for each position.