The Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs handles a wide variety of duties for the Department.
The Office produces and issues most of the documents by which the statutory authority of the Department is executed, including rulemakings, orders, bulletins and public notices.
The Office serves as the Department's liaison with the Office of the Attorney General on all legal matters, and with the Office of Administrative Law in preparing and submitting contested cases and issuing final administrative decisions.
The Office coordinates the acceptance of substitute service of process on all foreign admitted insurers, certain banking institutions and non-resident Department licensees, and coordinates the handling of subpoenas and other legal documents served on the Department.
The Office coordinates the Department's legislative functions and serves as the Commissioner's liaison with the Legislature. This includes researching and drafting legislative initiatives and assisting in efforts required for passage; analyzing and monitoring banking, insurance and real estate-related legislation; and providing information and services to legislators and their constituents.
Finally, the Office receives and responds to inquiries from consumers, industry representatives, and other regulatory agencies regarding the banking and insurance statutes and rules.
Questions and comments may be directed to:
Office of Legislative & Regulatory Affairs
NJ Department of Banking and Insurance
20 West State Street
PO Box 325
Trenton, NJ 08625-0325
Telephone: 609-292-7272
FAX: 609-292-0896
Please note the following:
- All inquiries MUST be in writing - Copies of individual regulations, bulletins and orders are available from the Office for a modest copying and mailing charge. Copies of pending and enacted legislation and all current statutes can be obtained from the Office of Legislative Services at (609) 292-6395 or accessed on the Office of Legislative Services web site (
Any library that is a repository of public documents has copies of the statutes and regulations that govern the Department. The Banking and Insurance statutes are found in Title 17 and 17B of the New Jersey Statutes and the regulations are found in Titles 3 - Banking and 11 - Insurance; 11:5 - Real Estate of the New Jersey Administrative Code. (LexisNexis® is the publisher of the New Jersey Administrative Code and Register).
The Department cannot perform legal research or provide legal advice or advisory opinions to members of the public.