New Jersey Department of Education

District Recognition

Lighthouse Awardees

The Lighthouse Award recognizes school districts and charter schools in New Jersey for illuminating the path toward educational improvement and equitable outcomes. The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) launched the Lighthouse Award in 2017 to recognize the advances made by New Jersey school districts and charter schools. The Lighthouse Award selection process takes place every 2 years. Information about each cohort of Lighthouse Awardees can be found under “Cohort Profiles”.

Congratulations to the following outstanding educational institutions for being named 2023 Lighthouse awardees.
District/Charter County Category
Palmyra Public School District Burlington Increasing Equity in AP/IB Enrollment
Philip’s Academy Charter School Essex Diversifying the Teacher Workforce
Middlesex County Vocational and Technical School District Middlesex Increasing Equity in Dual Enrollment
Morris County Vocational School District Morris Increasing Equity in Dual Enrollment
Union County Vocational-Technical School District Union Increasing Equity in AP/IB Enrollment


For more information about the 2023 Lighthouse cohort, please see this presentation.

Cohort Profiles

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