New Jersey Department of Education

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all persons based on scientific insight into how humans learn. UDL guides the design of learning environments that are accessible, accommodate the needs and abilities of all learners, and eliminate barriers that may impede learning.  

The goal of UDL is to support learners to become “expert learners” who are, each in their own way, purposeful and motivated, resourceful and knowledgeable, and strategic and goal-driven.UDL aims to change the design of the environment rather than to change the learner. When environments are intentionally designed to reduce barriers, all learners can engage in rigorous, meaningful learning. Universal Design for Learning ensures access for all.

Benefits of Universal Design for Learning 

  • Supports an inclusive learning environment for all students.  
  • Identifies and removes barriers to learning. 
  • Addresses learner variability.  
  • Ensures access, participation, and meaningful and challenging learning opportunities.
  • Creates an environment in which materials and content are presented in a variety of ways, including multiple ways of engagement, representation, action, and expression.  

Guideline of UDL Neural Networks

Click on the images to learn more about each network.

a circle around the part of the brain that impacts the affective network the part of the brain that refers to the recognition network the part of the brain that affects the strategic network part of the brain
Affective Network Recognition Network Strategic Network

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